The routing table of R1 is displayed in Figure 1 using the show ipv6 route command. Although, the command output is displayed slightly differently than in the IPv4 version, it still contains the relevant route information.
Figure 2 highlights the connected network and local routing table entries of the directly connected interfaces. The three entries were added when the interfaces were configured and activated.
As shown in Figure 3, directly connected route entries display the following information:
- Route source - Identifies how the route was learned. Directly connected interfaces have two route source codes (C identifies a directly connected network while L identifies that this is a local route.)
- Directly connected network - The IPv6 address of the directly connected network.
- Administrative distance - Identifies the trustworthiness of the route source. IPv6 uses the same distances as IPv4. A value of 0 indicates the best, most trustworthy source.
- Metric - Identifies the value assigned to reach the remote network. Lower values indicate preferred routes.
- Outgoing interface - Identifies the exit interface to use when forwarding packets to the destination network.
Note: The serial links have reference bandwidths configured to observe how EIGRP metrics select the best route. The reference bandwidth is not a realistic representation of modern networks. It is used only to provide a visual sense of link speed.