To clear dynamically created Frame Relay maps that are created using Inverse ARP, use the clear frame-relay inarp command, as shown in Figure 1.

A final task is to confirm whether the frame-relay inverse-arp command resolved a remote IPv4 address to a local DLCI. Use the show frame-relay map command to display the current map entries and information about the connections. Figure 2 shows output from router R3 with a previous Frame Relay configuration on the physical interface, without the use of subinterfaces. Inverse ARP is enabled by default for IPv4. Frame Relay for IPv6 uses Inverse Neighbor Discovery (IND) to obtain a Layer 3 IPv6 address from a Layer 2 DLCI.

The output shows the following information:

When an Inverse ARP request is made, the router updates its map table with three possible LMI connection states. These states are: